I went on a date with the above 30 year old gym instructor + model last night. Yes … that is really her photo ! Blew me away too when she first sent it … it’s like “Naaaah … that’s gotta be bullshit”. But honest to god she looks like that. Of course the camera lies to a certain extent … her nose is bigger in real life. But lets just say she definitely won’t be featuring on fugly.com any time soon !

Now I’ve been on a hell of a lot of dates in my life, especially over the last year or so. Nonetheless, she asked me a question no other date has ever popped, and which has left me quietly pondering in a way I haven’t pondered in a long, long while.

Essentially, what this hottie asked me was the standard job interview question of

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time ?

I panicked ! Mr. Smooth was gone. Never mind the visits to the solarium, the daily jogs which tire me out to almost beyond exhaustion, followed by the weight sessions which take me past it, my suitably yuppie sounding job “I’m a recruitment consultant specialising in the medical industry”, and all the other stuff which is supposed to make me seem together’ and ‘a winner and all that happy horeshit.

I had no coherent answer !

Sure, I rambled off some guff about wanting to be financially secure, if not rich, wanting to get my design business back up and running etc. etc. but I think she could see in my eyes it was all a bluff and me shooting off the first thing that came into to my head.

Somehow I get the feeling she’s not gonna call me again !