AaaaarrrrgggH !

It’s a quarter past three in the morning, and I can’t frikkin’ sleep even though I have removalists coming tommorrow at eight o’clock to move my stuff back to one of my least favourite suburbs in Sydney – a little place I like to call Castle Hole :(

I’ve spent the last two weeks stressing about the move, and the last week or so actually moving most of my smaller items myself after getting home from work – I figure I’ll be paying them by the hour, and ever the cheapskate I want them to actually move as little of my junk as possible, and be darn quick about it boys !

Also feeling seriously peeved at a certain person below …

… coz she seems to have *suddenly* (and with no good reason) put the brakes on what was developing rather nicely. I think you’re gonna go on my time wasters list soon babe !

Serves me right for trying to pursue chemistry with someone who took me along to her ex-boyfriend’s birthday party on our first date and proceeeded to let me know he was ‘hung like a malformed donkey’ … doesn’t it ?

I don’t think I like permanent insomnia. Especially when it makes me feel nauseous and fŨcked up for most of the next day, like it did today.

On that note kids, excuse me while I go to collapse now …