Ah … hello … let me introduce myself … my name’s Pete and I’m 27 years old. As of this morning, I have no job, no savings, no girlfriend, and I’m moving back to my parents house again.

Hmm … I think I might have to invent some bullshit for the speed-dating event I’m supposed to be going on in a few weeks then … the truth as outlined above is sure to prove a sure fire winner for getting those follow-up contact detail swaps happening … not !

So anyways, the boss pulled me aside this morning for a ‘chat’. And then proceeded to tell my exactly why she couldn’t afford to keep me on anymore. Which was fair enough. But I what I didn’t appreciate was the other stuff she told me … like her opinion that I need to see an ‘image consultant’ because I have a ‘condescending smirk’ apparently, and that I’m ‘full of potential but don’t deliver results’ because I’m ‘not hungry enough for success’. She also suggested I might want to think about teaching or charity work as possible career paths !!!

All I can say is

Screw You Boss … We’ll See Who’s Hungry For Success When … Ummm …. I do something really great ? Yeah .. haha … yeah :)