Fri 1 Oct 2004
Ah … hello … let me introduce myself … my name’s Pete and I’m 27 years old. As of this morning, I have no job, no savings, no girlfriend, and I’m moving back to my parents house again.
Hmm … I think I might have to invent some bullshit for the speed-dating event I’m supposed to be going on in a few weeks then … the truth as outlined above is sure to prove a sure fire winner for getting those follow-up contact detail swaps happening … not !
So anyways, the boss pulled me aside this morning for a ‘chat’. And then proceeded to tell my exactly why she couldn’t afford to keep me on anymore. Which was fair enough. But I what I didn’t appreciate was the other stuff she told me … like her opinion that I need to see an ‘image consultant’ because I have a ‘condescending smirk’ apparently, and that I’m ‘full of potential but don’t deliver results’ because I’m ‘not hungry enough for success’. She also suggested I might want to think about teaching or charity work as possible career paths !!!
All I can say is
Screw You Boss … We’ll See Who’s Hungry For Success When … Ummm …. I do something really great ? Yeah .. haha … yeah
October 2nd, 2004 at 12:32 pm
Ha ha – you DO have a condescending smirk, now that you mention it!!!!
Sorry – not the sort of supportive-best-friend type of response that would probably have been more appropriate in this case.
What the hell is an “image consultant” anyway? Is it the stylist you call when you’re one step away from the psychiatrist’s couch?
I’m assuming that your ex-boss knows one who is probably her best friend and would gladly pass his/her details on to you in exchange for a commission/finders fee from said image consultant best friend because she is HUNGRY FOR SUCCESS and that means all human relations can be bought and sold and she WILL BE SUCCESSFUL AKA RICH AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW – there is a great dating euphemism for being penniless, dateless, homeless and jobless. Refer to yourself as an “artist”. Or a “writer”. Add freelance to the front and people will automatically presume you actually get paid for what you write without you having to lie about your income. I’ve been using that one for months…
October 2nd, 2004 at 1:49 pm
Hey, I freakin’ posted a comment this morning…..
October 2nd, 2004 at 1:50 pm
OK, so it worked…