Wed 17 Aug 2005
Listening To: Choose One : 1200 Techniques
Current Horn Factor :
I slept in her bed last night. Alone. I got takeaway from our favourite Indian place on Bondi Road, and sat on the couch in her loungeroom watching the A-Team and Rove. Without her. Y’see, IG left me her keys before she went to Fiji, and I was supposed to go to her apartment last night to pick up the rent money for her from her flatmate. Said flatmate ended up being a no-show, leaving me to spend a lonely night on my own in their deserted apartment. If I’d known how lonely that was going to be, I think I would have said “fekkit”, and made the long public transport trek back to Artarmon 15 minutes after the appointed time the absent flatmate was supposed to show.
Instead – fool that I am – I thought it would be nice to wait around and do all the things I’d normally do if my fiancé was there i.e. the trash TV, the yummy curry, and watching Rove. First up – The A-Team … I was fine during that; listening to Laurence Tarraud (“Mr-T to you, fool !”) tell Mad Dog to “cut the Jibba-Jabba” & watching another implausible plot unfold as the Team strove to successfully escape the clutches of both the military police and a band of uncrupulous bounty hunters, with the help of a pretty female vet named Dr.Kelly. I started to feel a little peculiar after the show finished however, and I went for the walk down Bondi Road to get takeaway. Walking past one of the seafood places, I remembered the other week when I bought IG a dozen oysters in lieau of sushi after Sushi Love shut its doors early one night. Walking further along, I started to mentally tick off other eateries as places we still had to try … and naturally I started to miss my baby more in the process.
I got back to the apartment with my spicy haul, and Lisas flatmate still hadn’t shown. Flicked the tele onto Rove, and proceeded to demolish my curry in record time. Now my stomach was full, yet I could still feel a paradoxical void starting to grow within. Rove was a bloody classic last night, so I found I was almost pissing myself with laughter at various points, especially Pete Helliars ‘interview with Arnold Swartzenegger’. Yet in the back of my mind I found my own laughter sounding strangely hollow, echoing in the space of the deserted loungeroom without her laughter to accompany it. Eventually the program finished at 11 pm, and I retired to the bedroom I’ll be sharing with IG fulltime in another few weeks.
That’s when the loneliness really hit me.
I know – I coped alright in the end with her going to Europe for a month, and I know she will be back in another few days. Every time she does this it still seems to get harder for me though. Lying in her bed, surrounded by the normal clutter everyone accumulates in their bedroom, I thought I could detect the faintest hint of her crisp, clean scent. It felt as if she’d been in the room a moment ago, and had left it just as I walked in. More than ever before, even that month she’d been in the Mediterranian; I found myself missing Lisa with every fibre of my being and wishing she was home ! It took all my strenght to stop myself from breaking out sobbing like a big, wet girlie, and crying myself to sleep. It doesn’t help that Fiji has no mobile coverage except for the main island, and the smaller islands she has been hopping between don’t even have landlines. Thus the last time I spoke to her was on Friday, and it won’t be till Friday hence that I can speak to her again. The days in between seem to be just dragging on and ooooon
On that note, friends and fans . . .
August 18th, 2005 at 6:34 pm
I think it’s so refreshing (and utterly barfable
) to see a guy so in love with his partner and you two obviously adore each other .. it’s georgeous.
August 19th, 2005 at 12:32 am
Ja … retchworthy
If I was watching me from the outside, I’d be telling myself to get a room …
August 22nd, 2005 at 12:34 am
Did you sniff her knickers? That’s what I do when my girlfriend’s away, it makes her feel close to me again.
August 22nd, 2005 at 9:48 am
oh baby.. i MISSED you too BADLY.
Home now for good, belo. Love you long time.
August 22nd, 2005 at 10:12 am
Bernie – Ummmm … no. True … I was tempted … and her underwear drawer was right there in the nightstand next to my head. But no.
IG – What can I say ? Pretty obvious that I missed you too. Veeeery glad you’re home. We must make love like crazed Spanish chihuahuas … meet me @ the watercooler in 5 ! ;P
August 22nd, 2005 at 2:52 pm
Bernie, you are truly a twisted individual.
While former partners have stolen my underwear on various occasions, i would be a little shocked and disturbed to find my future hubbie, sniffing away his desires in my G-strings!
DB, im glad you took solace in my bedroom but shame, it gave you little comfort with me not being present and all.
PS: Im at the Watercooler and im waiting with eager anticipation and moistness..
August 22nd, 2005 at 3:24 pm
At least I’m honest, I bet there’s plenty of guys out there who’ve had a quick scratch ‘n’ sniff, but would never admit it.
Although at least I don’t live my love life in a public domain, just to hide deep rooted insecurities.
August 22nd, 2005 at 4:13 pm
Bern – sorry – “hide deep rooted insecurities” – what are you on about, son ?
August 22nd, 2005 at 5:41 pm
Why are you here then Bernie?
The love of it? Get some friends!!
August 22nd, 2005 at 6:47 pm
Peter, firstly I’ve never met my Dad, but I’m pretty sure you’re too young. Secondly, only my friends call me Bern, so I guess that make’s us buddies.
IG, I’m just here to help and entertain.
August 23rd, 2005 at 11:18 am
Bernard – I have a Messiah Complex – didn’t you know ?
As for being buddies – sure, if you play nicely. Othewise I’ll have to get medieval on your arse ! Remember – *I* provide the help and entertainment around here …
August 23rd, 2005 at 1:04 pm
and im here to improvise (and also make loud animal sounds during lovemaking..)
August 23rd, 2005 at 2:21 pm
Are you sure you wanna let everyone know about those ? They might think we’re weird … not everyone gets off on hyena mating calls ;P
August 23rd, 2005 at 2:53 pm
Yes. you’re right! Shhhh.
Lets go out Saturday night.. wear black, drink vodka & have a great evening out!
August 23rd, 2005 at 5:16 pm
Sounds like a plan, Stan ! Mmmm … ravishing in black PVC … bring it on
August 23rd, 2005 at 8:06 pm
You have a Messsiah complex, I have an oily complex. Before I came here, I thought I was weird, but next to you two I’ve started to feel quite normal. If this is how you talk in public, what sort of kinky antics do you get up to in private?
August 23rd, 2005 at 11:55 pm
Hehe … wouldn’t you like to know, underwear-sniffing boy
August 24th, 2005 at 5:08 pm
You guys are so wacky, so random, so… so spontaneous, you seem to connect on a unique level, a higher plane. I hope that, one day, I’m lucky enough to find a comparable connection with somebody. Thankyou, for sharing your magic.
August 25th, 2005 at 9:33 am
well Bern.. it aint easy.. but if its there, its there.;) Im sure you will find our ‘magic’ with someone, someday. Rock on!
August 25th, 2005 at 2:37 pm
Aiyee.. I just wanted to make it over the 20 mark for you!
Oh how i missed thee whilst sipping Kava under the coconut trees and laying on the sandy beaches