Tue 5 Sep 2006
Listening To: Ultimate Trance 3 : Various Artists
Current Horn Factor :
Quote of The Day
blazemore LITTLETON, Colo. – Colorado officials plan to
blazemore try a 15-year-old boy as an adult for allegedly
blazemore offering a Sony PlayStation to have his aunt killed.
FlipTopBx is it modded ?
OK, I should probably clarify that post title. No – I don’t want to be doing the wild thing with Vince Vaughn. Nor do I want ‘Victor Kiriakis’ as my real-life dad. I don’t want to have Brad Pitt as an ex-husband, I’d rather not have a history of having swapped bodily fluids with Ben Affleck, and I think the trademarked ‘Rachel bob’ hairstyle would just look stupid on me. I do however want to be the kind of character that ‘Jen’ has played in virtually all her acting roles.
Again, I should probably clarify. I don’t mean that I want to be a plucky, creative careergirl with ‘old-fashioned’ values at heart, who has a history of being attracted to the wrong guys, but eventually ends up with the ‘nice’ guy in the end, after a series of amusing miscommunications, mistaken identities and other comedic pratfalls. For one thing I’m not a career girl, and for another thing I’ve already gone through all the not-so-comedic pratfalls and found Ms.Right. Rather, what I simply mean is that I want to work in advertising.
Have you ever noticed that, gang ? Virtually all the ‘romantic comedy’ vehicles that Rachel … I mean Jen … and her contemporaries star in, always seem to have the heroine working in some capacity within an advertising agency. Ditto the fellas in popcorn-fare such as “How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days” and “The Truth About Women”. Halle Berry and her alter ego Catwoman also work in an agency, as does Mike Brady of the eponimous Brady Bunch Darrin Stephens the TV husband of the small screens hottest witch before the Halliwell sisters (only a madman would even rate the … thing … that is Melissa Joan-Hart AKA “Sabrina”) Samantha. I could go on to name countless other movies and TV shows in which the chief protagonist(s) work within this field, but I think you get my point. For better or worse, we’re all bombarded with so many images of how ‘exciting’ and ‘dynamic’ this industry is, that sooner or later the desire inevitably arises to see if working in an ad agency really lives up to the hype.
Now those of you who know me in person may not realise this, but I’m actually very superstitious about some things. So I’m in two minds right now about writing this whole post at all. I don’t generally like talking about things before they happen, in case I ‘jinx’ myself somehow. On the flipside though, I want as much ‘good karma’ flowing my way with regards to what I’m going to tell you as possible – and I can’t ask y’all to send your good wishes my way without giving at least a little bit of detail on what you’re sending me ‘happy thoughts’ for.
Our regular TROYL readers would know, I’ve posted numerous times about the need to leave where I’m working at the moment. Most recently (and pressingly) a few weeks ago. Without going into too much detail at this stage, lets just say I’ve been working hard behind the scenes, chasing various opportunities and trying to make things happen. It may (or may not) surprise you guys to know I’ve wanted to work in advertising for a long time (it’s one of my many ‘dream industries’). Assuming the universe decides to give me a break for once (instead of kicking me in the teeth again as it often seems to enjoy), I may hopefully very soon (knock on wood) get a chance to taste that dream. I could be Jennifer Aniston
For this to happen though, I’m going to get all mystical on your arses for once and ask you guys to ‘please send me all your good vibes’. I really want this – the agency job I interviewed for the other day – so I’ll really appreciate it if you all cross your fingers for me, and I promise I’ll let you know how it goes in a day or two !
That’s it – thanks in advance guys !!! DB
UPDATE: 06/09/06
So we’re playing the waiting game guys – I was supposed to hear back this morning, but a quick call at around 11am to the company in question revealed they still haven’t reached a decision. This is always the worst part of the recruitment process … the purgatory of ‘will-they-won’t-they’. Keep those good vibes flowing, people !
September 5th, 2006 at 1:26 pm
Aaah yes……. I have everything crossed as we speak. Good vibes have been picked, packed and despatched. Best of luck Petra-Jen!
September 5th, 2006 at 3:33 pm
Still loving your commentary, however I do have a correction to make. Mike Brady was actually an architect.
September 5th, 2006 at 3:35 pm
PS – Sending shitloads of good vibes your way Baby
September 5th, 2006 at 4:04 pm
Argh dammit Reen … you’re right !
I was thinking of Darrin Stephens, the husband of the uber-hot Samantha from Bewitched of course. I guess I fail THAT question on TV1′s “Cash Trivia” … Tony Barber would be SO ashamed of me right now
September 5th, 2006 at 4:55 pm
I still don’t understand why Darrin would rather spend his life sucking up to Larry Tate instead of letting Samantha use her powers!