Hey Gang,

Some VERY exciting news to report ! I found out on Friday, that a short film I made a few weeks ago has been short-listed for Sony Tropfest 2007 ! W00t ! Now of course, a short-listing doesn’t necessarily guarantee me a share of the prizes, general adulation, and short-film groupies which the 16 Tropfest finalists enjoy, but it does guarantee AT LEAST a screening in the ‘Best of the Rest’ program, and limited national + international distribution. So I’m VERY stoked, to say the least.

Now for those in the know, it’s basically a new animated short featuring Frank & George, the two characters you’ve come to know and love from our ostensibly weekly (even though I’ve been to lazy to put up a new one over the Silly Season) serial Juiced. So if you haven’t checked out the first two episodes already, I suggest you have a bit of a squiz now - one way or another, I think you’ll all be seeing more of Frank & George over the coming year :-)