Comments on: Noms Night 4 – The Nom’s Rort The Other White Meat Mon, 23 Nov 2009 03:47:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dancing Queen Dancing Queen Wed, 23 May 2007 00:58:31 +0000 It makes me feel better knowing that it is not just me that thinks Gretel is laying it on thick to the evictee's (so far they're all twats, treat them that way!), and I hardly watch the show! I did see what BB did to Hayley & Andrew, and I think it's fucked considering the public didn't vote them out, isn't it the public's decision? I agree with you DB, save Andrew, go the nerds! It makes me feel better knowing that it is not just me that thinks Gretel is laying it on thick to the evictee’s (so far they’re all twats, treat them that way!), and I hardly watch the show! I did see what BB did to Hayley & Andrew, and I think it’s fucked considering the public didn’t vote them out, isn’t it the public’s decision? I agree with you DB, save Andrew, go the nerds!
