I think I’ve just found a new love … Amazon.com ! Why ?

I got a little package, and something arrived in the post today as well ;-)

That’s right mofos - the mailman has just dropped off “Planet Terror” & “Deathproof” on DVD for me at work. For those who don’t know, these are the two constituent films which made up ‘Grindhouse’, the poorly-grossing, yet undeniably appealing (at least to ’so bad it’s good’ film buffs like yours truly) recent cinematic experiment from Quintin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez. Whilst the initial cinematic release in the States had these films playing together as an ostensible ‘double feature’, linked by a bunch of wacky faux-trailers to recreate the ‘Grindhouse Cinema’ / Drive-In experience, they’ve been split for subsequent international & DVD release.

There’s still hope amongst fans that they original ‘double feature’ experience will be restored at some point by a DVD release featuring both films plus all the ‘extra’ stuff showcased in the ‘Grindhouse’ US release, at this point it’s only possible to get the films separately.

‘Death Proof’ has only recently started showing in Australian cinemas, and in a judicious piece of casting stars Kurt Russel as a psychopathic stuntman who ’stalks sexy young ladies’ (as the packaging blurb puts it), and kills them in his ‘deathproof’ 1970’s (?) Dodge Challenger (the yank equivelant of the venerable Valiant). Directed by Tarantino, it’s supposed to be some of his best work in years, so I’m definitely looking forward to watching it.

‘Planet Terror’ hasn’t even come out anywhere but the USA yet, and if I’m looking forward to Death Proof, I’m almost at the point of having a religious experience … in my pants … at the prospect of Planet Terror. Directed by Robert Rodriguez, this is a futuristic zombie splatter-flick starring Rose McGowan (my favourite Halliwell) as a stripper-turned-zombie-fighter who ends up with an M-16 in place of a leg for the majority of the movie.

I luuuuurve a well-done zombie movie (even when it doesn’t star Rose, although as anyone who has seen Jawbreaker knows, she plays a bad-girl very well), and if the trailer I just watched on the DVD is anything to go by, this is going to be one of those.

Now don’t get me wrong - I’ve raised my standards *slightly* since the days when I used to watch literally ANY shite which I could find in the ‘ten videos for ten bucks’ weekly rental horror / slasher / sci-fi aisle at Video Sleazy. Mainly because sitting through Rob Zombie’s ‘definitely trying way too fucking hard’ directorial debut (House of a Thousand Corpses) made me realise there really ARE some films which constitute two hours of your life wasted, which you are never ever going to get back.

Unlike the aforementioned House of A Thousand Corpses though, I have a strong feeling the ‘Grindhouse’ DVDs I’ve had arrive are NOT going to be waste - quiet the reverse.

Watch this space for reviews, after I’ve had a chance to watch them on the weekend. Who knows … I might even go all out to repeat my ‘ten videos for ten bucks’ experience of yore, and get a big arse bucket of KFC and a few bourbon and cokes in me, to go with that :)