Listening To: Pure Cult : The Cult
Current Horn Factor :

Quote of The Day
Raven I tried setting my hotmail password to penis.
Raven It said my password wasn’t long enough.
A week to go till BB06 auditions, and I’m having a bit of dilemma gang. Y’see, I’m not entirely sure I want to audition anymore. Part of it is to do with the lukewarm response I’ve received out in Sydney blog-land to my ‘Bloggers for Big Brother’ idea i.e. that a bunch of us Sydney bloggers would congregate in Newtown on the Saturday night before the auditions, and proceed to audition as a group on Sunday morning.
To my mind this would have been a great social evening and pop-culture experience rolled into one – but with the exception of the divine IG and the sympathetic Steph, it seems like everyone else has poo-pooed the idea for a variety of their own twisted reasons.
What’s wrong with Sydney bloggers ? Here’s a chance to get right into the thick of pop-culture, and everyone is like “we can’t be arsed”, if they’ve dignified my emails/comments with a reply at all !
While I’ve auditioned on my own in previous years, I thought going along to the auditions with a group of fellow bloggers had the potential to be heaps of fun … so I’m surprised that the majority of you out there don’t seem to share this view. As such, unless I get a sudden torrent of emails / trackbacks / comments in the next few days telling me it is a good idea, I’m definitely not going to bother organising any pre-audition meetup. If I end up going at all I might post something the night before with a photo / telling y’all what I’m wearing on the off chance any other bloggers out there decide to come the auditions ‘on an individual basis’ … but that’s it. So if you wanna meet up peeps, let me know SOON !
Another reason I’m rethinking the auditions is because IG and I have now set a definite date for our wedding. It’s going to be late July 2006, it’s going to be in the Czech Republic, and it’s going to be in a castle (yup, you heard right – a castle !). As such in the unlikely event either of us were actually to get on Big Brother, this could present a problem because we would need to leave the house by the start of July for the wedding to go ahead as scheduled. Right now it’s still in the planning stages and a venue hasn’t been booked yet (the Czech Republic has numerous castles to choose from), so conceivably if ‘worst came to worst’ and we were successful during the early stages of the audition process the wedding itself could be put temporarily on hold. One of us would still lose out by just over two grand though if we didn’t travel in July, because the airfares have been booked already.
Yet another reason for my current indecisiveness about trying to get on BB again is that I’ve been giving some serious thought of late to the nature of celebrity itself, particularly BB celebrity. Y’see, for most of my life, before meeting my fiancé, I was convinced that I wanted to be famous. It always thought it would be nice to be famous for a creative reason e.g. writing or music, but at the end of the day the reason wasn’t as ‘desirable’ to me as the celebrity-status itself – I just knew I wanted fame as an end in and of itself. I suppose you could say I felt like there was a void in my life, and I thought only fame could fill that void. Just as I was conditioned to think by the media, I suppose. Since meeting Lisa though, I no longer feel like my life is ‘lacking’.
Sure, I still have money problems (and saving for a wedding is gonna be fun). Yes, I still feel underwhelmed by my job, wish we had a bigger apartment, suffer problems communicating with my family at times, and have a desire to do something ‘more’ with my life in terms of writing / painting / recording music. However, despite all these things I no longer feel like ‘there is something missing’ – these days they are just ‘challenges’ to overcome, rather than a ‘void’ which ‘fame’ will fill. Given the above, ‘celebrity’ no longer holds the same appeal it once did.
Couple this with the fact that any level of fame leads to a corresponding loss of privacy, and you can see why I’m suddenly hesitant to expose myself and my wonderful fiancé to the kind of media circus being a BB participant brings. There’s still a part of me that does want to be famous despite all that, but these days my attention has shifted and if I’m ever going to be famous then dammit the reason has to be a good one (such as the aformentioned writing / art / music) and not simply for the sake of fame itself. Being a contestant on Big Brother, unfortunately, doesn’t fall into that category. Sure – it can be a springboard for launching other creative ventures later on – and if I end up auditioning again it will be with that end in mind – but essentially, BB contestants’ fleeting ‘fame’ doesn’t spring from anything more than being on the program itself.
So there you have it folks – do I audition for Big Brother 06, or don’t I ? It’s a dilemma …
(Update 29/11/05) :
Ok gang, it’s official – IG and I are pulling out of the running this year. The final nail in the coffin were the persistant rumours doing the rounds of the message boards that the 2006 season may run for as long as 6 months. Not only would this definitely prevent us from going ahead with our wedding as planned, but also while 3 months apart would be hard enough (especially going on past experience with Lisas one month overseas trip), a six month separation at this stage in our relationship is virtually out of the question. The upside of this is you can expect the usual armchair commentry from me again in 2006 concerning the latest BB season … and I’ll try to do an even more thorough job this time around.
That being said – good luck to everyone auditioning this year – I’m looking forward to watching those of you who make it on BB in 2006 !