
Listening To: Consistency Theory : 1200 Techniques

So it’s Tuesday arvo, and guess where I am kiddies ? That’s right … back at good ‘ole #########, doing the same job I was before, only less so. Y’see … there’s not a hell of a lot of actual work for me to do. Not that I’m complaining, because contrary to previous posts I am actually being screwed over on my hourly rate.

In other news – have finally found a nice flat-share in Artarmon. Cheap rent, apartment isn’t TOO shabby, new flatmate seems decent enough and the location is fan-frikkin-tastic !

Have also had a few interesting ‘bites’ on the internet personals bait, so should be meeting up with a few young ladies next week. And we all know that always makes for good blog-fodder ;)

So all in all, things are still looking up, even if the job side isn’t as fantastic as it was originally going to be.

Listening To: Going Insane : Warp Brothers

What a difference a few days makes, eh kids ?

Feeling much better today – things are frikkin finally starting to look up a bit this week (about time … I’ve had good karma owed me a long bloody while now !!!) Sure, it didn’t start off all that grandly ; I went to my first ‘event’ organised by a certain dating website which shall remain nameless on Sunday (something I swore I’d never do) with Samantha my drinking buddy. The event mostly sucked, considering there were bugger all people there. We actually had to sod off in the middle of it to go see a movie ( = BAD SANTA : not a bad flick at all), we were that bored !

Nonetheless, I did manage to score some digits from a nice young Malaysian Indian lass that was there in a pseudo-official capacity, trying to flog some stick-on-body-jewelry and fake-tatoos. No, she isn’t a member of the site (thankgod really), but yes she’s single. And it’s not a fakey number either – have already confirmed this via SMS :)

Upshot being that Sunday wasn’t a complete waste, at least in my mind !

The week continued to improve on Monday on the 4 day temp-job I’d been initially dreading when one of my agencies had called to offer it to me last Thursday. It appears my fears were groundless, as the company in question has actually turned out to be a good bunch of people to work for, and the project was a piece of piss basically. Easy money is always the best money, innit ?

On top of that, out of our ‘team’ of 5 contractors hired for the 3 day duration of the project, one is a woman who will probably want a website done (more money for moi … yay !), and two are a pair of English backpackers called Dave and Liz that I ‘clicked’ with pretty much straight away.

Why is the latter such a good thing, apart from the obvious reason of it’s always good to have more friends ?

For one thing, we’ve already gone out for drinks to a few different ‘backpacker’ pubs, and will probably be seeing a few more together before they piss off up the coast after Xmas. Given the overwhelmingly high quality of the ‘talent’ at these pubs (haven’t seen that many nice looking birds in one place since the last time I was in Europe, not even that day at Randwick races), plus the ability to win things like free holidays relatively easily (e.g. crab racing at one particular place) – I think I’m going to be making some of the places they’ve shown me semi-regular haunts even after they bugger off !!!

Trust a back-packer to be clued in to the ‘hidden secrets’ of your own town :)

The other good thing about these two is … well … Liz hehehe

Don’t get me wrong – Dave’s a nice bloke, and I’m not using irony for once. But he is a bloke, whereas Liz of course is a nice, young, tanned bit ‘o English crumpet. Not only that, but it was safely ascertained at our final ‘after work’ drinks today (we actually had free drinks after our first day last Friday as well … now how many companies do you know would do THAT for their temps ?) that her and Dave aren’t a ‘couple’. Proceeded to text her after I’d left them all at the pub with a bunch of meaningless, flirtatious crap … and she batted the ball right back. Woohoo …. it’s always great when they do that :) So yers, catching up with the lovely Liz at some point soon. My tongue has been itching to go in someone’s mouth again for a little while now ;P

After that of course I went to to Triv @ PJ’s (the old General Bourke … should never have been made an Irish pub .. but I digress) in Parra with Bennie & Co. as I always do on Wednesday, and that was OK though we didn’t win this week. Bloody Brian … ‘Giapetto’ always seem to win whenever he runs it … dodgey eh ? The next bit of good news this week is I managed to finally negotiate a decent contract rate with ######### today. Looked like they were going to try screw me over on that as I mentioned in my last post, but after a bit of yours truly playing hardball and telling them “sorry, but I won’t settle for less than 10% more than my old perm rate, given you won’t be paying holiday loading or sick-leave on my contract”, they’ve buckled and given me what I want. So I start back there on Friday …. so you can expect much more frequent blog posting from then I imagine ;-)

On a final note … I’ve seen a few promising, decently priced apartments this week, and seeing at least a few more which look good on paper before the week is out. So hopefully something good will happen on that front soon too !

Life is looking up … I’m so SODDING relieved !

Listening To: Nothing because I can’t be French Connected …

Useless, useless, useless. Over-riding theme of life, I think. Sick of looking for work, being dicked over by employers (######### are trying to screw me on contract fee), looking at abysmal fŨcking flat-shares and being single.


Going to get pissed again tonight. Theres a constructive solution.

Listening To: Indestructible Asian Beats 2 : Various Artists

You know, I get the feeling Blogger doesn’t like my mum. No … really ! I actually tried writing this post (or something like it – only much longer) the other day, but after all the effort my system decided to to throw a hissy fit and do the whole ‘website not found’ thing. And off course when I hit the back/refresh, it went ahead and lost the whole post didn’t it ? Grr !!!

So yeah … this is me cheating and back-posting again, but fekkit :)

Anyway, my day started with a trip to the races at Randwick with some peeps from my old work at #########.

My god, talk about hotties galore !!! (strictly Non-Work variety of course)

I think I may have to go to the races more often. Was seriously in perve heaven !!! Maybe there’s something to be said for being a rich, vacuous, yuppie after all … if this is the quality of social circle they move in ! O.K. so most of the women there in their designer dress plunging necklines and $300 shoes are probably thicker than J-Lo’s arse … but hey, at least that means they’re too dumb to successfully play head-games, which is all good ! In terms of the people I went with, a couple mentioned the opportunity for me to go back to ######### if I wanted to. Trying to avoid it at this stage though. But at least I’ve got that ‘last resort’ now.

After the races, I went to pick my mother up from the airport. Considering the amount of dubious shit I have done in the 6 months since I’ve seen her last, I was expecting her to be anything but supportive. “Hi mum. Good to see you. I don’t have a job, I’m single, I’ve spent the last of my savings on software and your car is looking fŨcked because I scraped the shit out of it going into the garage at Parramatta one night” – not exactly the best news to give your mum, is it ?

But for the first time in a long long looooong time my mother has actually surprised me.

She didn’t throw a tantrum, scream or call me every Czech insult under the sun !

My mother was actually reasonable, calm and supportive – a side of her I haven’t seen in a long, long time. It’s completely blown me out of the water. I’m pretty sure this isn’t the end of it, and I will hear all the negative stuff coming out of her over the next four weeks – but at least for tonight

Im actually at peace with my ma !

Listening To: Nothing : No-One

Oh … and I’m hungover, and need a shower. I just thought I’d share that with everyone.

That, and the lovely squished kitty pic above …. go see Bonzai Kitten for more delightful images, and how to achieve this effect !

AaaaarrrrgggH !

It’s a quarter past three in the morning, and I can’t frikkin’ sleep even though I have removalists coming tommorrow at eight o’clock to move my stuff back to one of my least favourite suburbs in Sydney – a little place I like to call Castle Hole :(

I’ve spent the last two weeks stressing about the move, and the last week or so actually moving most of my smaller items myself after getting home from work – I figure I’ll be paying them by the hour, and ever the cheapskate I want them to actually move as little of my junk as possible, and be darn quick about it boys !

Also feeling seriously peeved at a certain person below …

… coz she seems to have *suddenly* (and with no good reason) put the brakes on what was developing rather nicely. I think you’re gonna go on my time wasters list soon babe !

Serves me right for trying to pursue chemistry with someone who took me along to her ex-boyfriend’s birthday party on our first date and proceeeded to let me know he was ‘hung like a malformed donkey’ … doesn’t it ?

I don’t think I like permanent insomnia. Especially when it makes me feel nauseous and fŨcked up for most of the next day, like it did today.

On that note kids, excuse me while I go to collapse now …

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