Thu 28 Jul 2005
What Floats Your Boat This Month
Posted by Disappearing Boy under BB05 , Big Brother , Humour[7] Comments
Listening To: Thankyou : Duran Duran
Hi there loyal readers – I must apologise for lack of updates recently. I’ve been kept fairly busy at work this month (started a new role – same pay though which sucks), so haven’t had the same amount of time I did previously to devote to regular updates or even reading other peoples blogs. Not sure how we’ll remedy the situation, but in the meantime here’s yet another look at the amusing world of search phrases other people are using to find the site this month …
Gianna Pattison Fans
b05 gianna images
bb gianna
bb gianna desktop wallpapers
big brother gianna
big brother gianna pictures
big brother’s gianna
big brother uncut gianna
big brothers gianna pictures
bigbrother gianna pictures
fŮcking gianna
gianna – big brother
gianna bb
gianna bb images
gianna bb pics
gianna bb05 australia picture
gianna bb05 photos
gianna bb05 pictures
gianna bb05 uncut
gianna bb05 uncut pics
gianna big
gianna big brother
gianna big brother pictures
gianna big brother sexy pictures
gianna brother pics
gianna from bb
gianna from bb pictures
gianna from bb wallpaper
gianna from big brother
gianna of adelaide
gianna photo big brother christmas adelaide
gianna pics bb
gianna pictures
giannas name big brother
origin energy gianna
origin energy xmas party 2004 pics gianna
photos of gianna from bb05
pictures of gianna
pictures of gianna [big brother]
pictures of gianna from bb
Hoo boy ! Ever since I wrote a bit of a rant a few posts ago sticking up for the pint-sized princess from Adelaide, it seems like the biggest number of my hits have come from desperate dickheads wanting pictures of the BB05 evictee. Sorry guys – I don’t have any nude photos of GG, and even if I didn’t I wouldn’t be posting ‘em. Why don’t you go out and buy Ralph or something, if you’re that desperate ? I’ll post ONE of the Origin Energy Xmas Party shots I got from elsewhere off the web here … but that’s it ! Enough already with the Gianna thing, kapish ?!
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General BB05 Fans
bb uncut
bb uncut images
bb uncut pics
bb05 australia audition tapes
bb05 contestants
bb05 glenn
bb05 housemates
bb05 kate real name
bb05 michelle
bb05 sex
bb05 tim
bb05 uncut
bb05 uncut images
bb05 uncut nude movie
bb05 uncut pics
christie bb05
glenn bb05
glenn bb05 pictures
glenn big brother racist
glenn of bb05
gretle big brother profile
hot dogs bb05
hotdogs – real name bb05
hotdogs big brother real name
hotdogs real name bigbrother
kate bb05
michelle bb05
pictures of housemates bb05
tim bb05
tim fans bb05
tim off bb05
uncut bb
For some reason, it seems a lot of the BB05 crowd that come to my site want the nudie pics of their favourite housemates which I just don’t have ! Sod knows I wish I did … I could probably make a mint, like the guys from those websites and magazines which carry Michelle’s (‘Harley’) erotic pre-BB photos must be making. Alas no, you’ll just find occasional references to my watching the show, chants of “Go Tim, Go !”, and discussions taking the piss out of evictees like Glenn & Dean. Sorry …
More Porn & ‘Naughty Celeb’ Addicts
18 years small teen hardcore
bella and evan
big arse girl photos
big ass chicks
big ass photos
busty aussie celebrity
celebrity boys spanked
celebrity shags
country boy pics
david hasslehoff emails
dieter brummer home and away
evan and bella
girls pissin
illsa ss
julie delphie
mark phillipousis girlfriend
mark phillipousis paris hilton
pissin drinking
I swear … I don’t run a prØn site … so why do people visit this blog hoping for pictures of the above variety ? It particularly disturbs me that sick little puppies looking for golden shower or felching pics are somehow ending up at my blog. Does Google hate me just because I stopped hosting on Blogger ?
Desperate, Horny Singles
bondi oil babe
dating virgin filipinas
dating while pre-op
desperate housewives looking for guys
horny single st leonards
housewives feeling trapped
malaysian hottie
meeting backpackers for sex
people pashing
perth tiny bikinis beach
pissing housewives
single wog female
virgin girl still in her 20′s
Hahaha ! I feel kinda sorry for the unfortunate punter looking for a “single wog female” or “virgin girl still in her 20′s” who ends up at TROYL instead. Maybe I should start a cam-site and charge them $21.95 a month to see my (photoshopped) boobies ? I’m not sure what a “bondi oil babe” is …
Penile Obssessives
37!!! my girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!!!
cock accident
dick humour
my black cock blog
As I’ve said before and I’ll say again, “there’s nothin like a dose of big, black cock !”. Pity you won’t find it on my blog, eh ? ;P A special shout out also to the person who looked for “norgs” and came across DB’s blatherings hehe
Alcoholics & Other Miscreants
how much absinthe gets you drunk?
life stories of methamphetamines
merrivale group
slipp inn
st leonards tavern
three wise monkeys tattoo
How much absinthe gets you drunk indeed ! Also, I reckon the peeps getting three wise monkeys tattoos are the same ones looking for backpacker sex. Think about it …
Plain Weird
ex-boyfriend blogs
lateness and puberty
port stephens sand dunes murdered bodies
solariums in castle hill
I’m glad a google search for “heterosexal” brings up TROYL. It would be even better if I came up under heterosexual, but I guess beggers can’t be choosers. As for the murdered bodies person … hmm … I hope this isn’t someone who’s buried a couple of corpses somewhere in Port Stephens, and is checking to see if his/her foul play has come to light. If that’s the case … I know nothing … I SWEAR. Even if it isn’t, I still know nothing hehe
And finally -
People That Make You Go “Awwwwww”
proud of your man and relationship
i will save a dance for you for the rest of my life
These ones give me a warm fuzzy feeling. All together now … “awwwwwww”
That’s it for this month’s search popular search phrases gang. There’s other random ones about Hotels, IG’s blog, Weggs blog and of course Wes Boone, but for the sake of brevity we’ll just go with the sampling above.
Peace out !