The Rest of Your Life (v3.0) » Politics The Other White Meat Sun, 21 Jun 2009 13:23:38 +0000 en hourly 1 Decision ’07 Thu, 22 Nov 2007 02:19:34 +0000 Disappearing Boy 2 die Weiße Rose Fri, 20 Oct 2006 04:25:06 +0000 Disappearing Boy 3 Surf Wars/Turf Wars Tue, 20 Dec 2005 05:40:09 +0000 Disappearing Boy my two cents worth on Sydney's current ongoing beachside turf wars / race-riots. Strap yourselves in - this ain't gonna be a 'light and airy' post ! First though, for those of you unfamiliar with the DB story, I should give you a bit of background so you'll have to proper context to put my forthcoming rant in. I was born in 1977 in Prague, in the Czech Republic. Both my parents are also Czech, and we emmigrated to Australia in 1984 after living in Pakistan for 6 years where my dad was a trade attache to the Czech embassy. 'Emmigrated' is not quiet the right word though of course, since back then the world was still in the grips of the tail-end of the 'cold war', and (then) Czechslovakia was one of the 'iron curtain' Communist countries. So in actual fact, my parents didn't simply emmigrate with me, they 'defected to the West' - with all the attendant hush-hush secrecy that implies. Since then, I've spent most of my life living in Australia - and indeed I feel 'Aussie' - as much as anyone born here. Indeed, I have the citizenship and passport papers to prove it. I also happen to possess a Czech passport however, and I'm as equally proud of my Czech heritage as I am of being Australian. Personally, I never thought the two were mutually exclusive.]]> 6 London Calling Mon, 11 Jul 2005 02:29:46 +0000 Disappearing Boy 3 I Heart Tim !!! Tue, 31 May 2005 08:26:36 +0000 Disappearing Boy IG and I sat down to watch BB-Uncut last night. We missed it last week, but wanted to catch it this time 'round after our weekend trip to Adelaide (more on that might be posted later). Seeing this confirmed a few things for me, which have become pretty edvident over the last few weeks : (1) Glenn from Hickville ... is a complete frikkin arse-clown ! Actually - all the guys this year pretty much are tools, except for Tim. (2) Tim is a freakin ledgend, and deserves to win ! It'd no surprise, really, that Glenn is a moron of the highest order. What kind of retard picks another guy to go into the rewards room with him ? The latest episode of uncut showed another side to the carrot-topped simpleton however ... the sleazy, randy side unfortunately. Given that a 'highlight' of the episode was Glenn 'getting it on' with the equally-aesthetically-challenged Geneva, complete with 60's-risque-pseudo-porn which substituted cliched images of fireworks and exploding champagne bottles for the moment when ole' carrot top presumably creamed his jocks (leaving Geneva less-than-satisfied) ... I think IG's comment of the moment summed it up best "Ewwww ! It's like two ginger haired guys getting it on. I think I'm gonna be sick !" :) ]]> 9 Restaurant Rules, Workers Suffer Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 Disappearing Boy 2