- Max AdTech Banners- Images
- The Brief
- The Execution
Max Interactive needed some free-standing banners for our display booth at the AdTech 2007 & 2008 industry conference / trade-show.
These needed to catch the eye and draw visitors into our booth, while outlining in a few simple sentences the main product offerings available through Max. In 2008 the banner also had to co-ordinate with the 'background' branding for our display booth developed by our main network partner Oridian, who were co-represented on our stand at AdTech that year.
Working within a short time-frame during the first year (2007), and consulting closely with the MD of Max Interactive with regards to text copy on both occasions, I came up with these two banners incorporating the Max signature colours (orange and blue), our various product offerings, and also incorporating our main channel (and main partner) logos in 2008. The first banner (black background) is the original banner we used in 2007, and the second (white background) is the much-improved version we used in 2008.
These were then printed by an offsite supplier in large format (approx. 2.5 metres high) and mounted as 'roll-up' free-standing display banners.